Friday, 23 May 2008

A radical clothes initiative (and a bit more Indiana Jones)

Ladies of the world! I know that you secretly (and sometimes not so secretly) want to be thinner. Believe me, of all people, I really do feel your pain. You cling onto the size you think you should be for dear life and you work your ass off (alas, if only that were true) to stay there. You suspect that if you were to change the size of your dress, somehow everyone would know, would whisper about it behind your back and point accusing fingers as you walk past.

Why do we do this to ourselves? Why do we inflict on our gorgeous bods a lifetime of VPL, too-tight shirts, circulation-restricting sleeves that leave incriminating red marks on our arms, skirts that sit three and a half inches above our waists, jackets that squish boobs into shapes they never wanted to be and - worse than all of these sins together - the dreaded Camel Toe?

But no more. Today, ladies, I'm here with a bold and daring message: free yourself from the constraints of your clothes!

Woah - slow down back there, I'm not suggesting we all get naked. Jeez, none of us needed to see that. All I'm saying is that maybe, just once in a while, we should open our minds to the idea that - dare I say it - we might actually look better if we swallow our pride and wear the clothes that fit.

A bit radical, I know, but I really think I'm onto something here.

Phew! So with that crazy proposition out of the way, let's get back to the important stuff: Indie was great. My inner fangirl is in a very happy place today. Sure, it was bit improbable in places (weren't they all?) and a little over the top, but it had lots of lovely touches and a lot of laughs. There's also one heck of a drinking game in the making for all of the knowing reference to the earlier films. Let's put it this way: you'd be over the limit very, very quickly.

I can't really say much more without spoiling it. Go see it and make up your own minds ;)

Sigh. I love you, Indie. Never leave us.

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