Thursday, 29 May 2008

Holding page (maybe)

For the next week I will be going deep into the untamed wilderness, far (so far!) from PC and laptop that I may not be able to share my usual flurry of deep and meaningful thoughts with you, O Best Beloved. (That would be Shropshire - a small and discreet break with a dozen or so of my bestest buds.)

I haven't yet mastered Blogger on the CrackBerry so this is likely to be a fond farewell from me for now, favoured reader. But I leave you with a picture of my Best Boy and Number One Shipmate for the week: yes, Connery and I are together again!

Yes, it was raining when I took that picture. And yes, even if rains tomorrow, we'll be driving with the roof down... that's just the way the Morgan crew roll!

(I may give the Boy a few more drinks before I break that particular bit of news.)

1 comment:

@EmVicW said...

I will show you how to blog by BB over lunch - its extremely simple :-)