Hello, you lovely people. It's been a while since we've spoken!
In my absence it seems I've been tagged in a couple of quite entertaining memes - you'll have to indulge me over the next couple of days while I sift through the best of the bunch.
Some time ago I was tagged by Big Tim Bond in a remarkably prevalent meme started somewhere in the depths of Twitter. Now, let's see, how did it go...
My top 3 non-work websites
1. Gawker
Gawker really is second to none in the well-targeted bitchiness stakes. It can't be healthy to love a website this much and yet, somehow, I do.
2. Go Fug Yourself
Thank the lord for people who share my views on leggings. GFY is a bit of a pop culture phenomenon and deserves every bit of kudos that comes its way. Ever looked at red carpet starlets and wondered what on earth was going through their minds? My friend, you are not alone.
3. The Art of Manliness
In these politically sticky times it's just so gosh-darned hard for a man to know what it means to be a man. Want to Man Up like the real thing? This is the site for you. Sometimes funny, sometimes useful and sometimes just really thought-provoking.
Top 3 karaoke songs
I don’t karaoke, but if I did...
1. Grease Megamix – I don’t really feel this one needs any justification
2. Living on a Prayer – if I'm drunk enough to sing I’m going to want to sing this
3. Build me up Buttercup - the original and the best!
Top 3 cocktails
Making this decision is really what's taken the time. Seriously, just three?
1. The classic champagne cocktail
They call it classic for a reason - like an Yves Saint Laurent tuxedo, it will never go out of style. Just for heaven's sake don't try and make it with Cava.
2. Champagne Mojito
I have always loved Mojitos. Rum, mint, demerera sugar and club soda - could anything possibly be better? Well yes, as it happens. I met this little gem a few weeks ago when out with a client and it frankly made my day. Night. Whatever.
3. Cosmopolitan
Believe it or not, it's not always about the champagne. I love a good Cosmo - something I used to think was impossible to screw up until Emily took me bar hopping in Letchworth. I ask you - who in their right mind would put grenadine in a Cosmo? Still, that unfortunate experience aside, a well-made Cosmo is a thing of beauty.
I think I'm right in saying that there are still some people who haven’t shared their answers with the world... so take it away Polly and Rob!
Wednesday, 22 October 2008
Three for three
Posted by
Almost a Lady
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I used to think was impossible to screw up
A good feature in a favourite cocktail. Unfortunately I've got the short straw: my favourite cocktail is the Mai Tai and virtually nowhere makes good ones. Indeed, every time I think I've found somewhere which does, it turns out to be only one of their cocktail staff who has the skills. Said staff member then proceeds to leave, leaving me sadly cocktail-less!
It was Hitchin, not Letchworth. You can't even find a bad cosmo in Letchworth.
Funny you chose cosmo because as you know its my little addiction too but I have struggled to find them in Sydney.
I had one last night and don't know whether it was because it followed a lime daquari (spelt wrong) but it wasn't great.
Thats the first I have had here (because I don't count the only other one I tried which closely resembled Hitchin's attempt).
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